Invited Book Chapters

  • Faxian Xiu*, Jun XuPooran C. JoshiCraig A. BridgesParans Paranthaman

  • Faxian Xiu,* Yong Wang, Jin Zou, and Kang L. Wang

    • Title of the chapter: “Magnetic MnxGe1-x Dots for spintronics applications”.

    • Book: Quantum Dots, A Variety of New Applications, 153-182 (2012). ISBN 979-953-307-308-7

  • Kang L. Wang, Faxian Xiu,* and Ajey P. Jacob

    • Title of the chapter: “Spintronics of nanostructured manganese germanium (MnGe) dilute magnetic semiconductor”.

    • Book: “SiGe nanostructures: Production, properties and applications in electronics”, Edited by Professor Yasuhiro Shiraki and Professor Noritaka Usami

    • Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-84569-689-4

  • Yong Wang, Faxian Xiu, Jin Zou, and Kang L. Wang

    • Title of the chapter: “Ge1-xMnx diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures for spintronics”.

    • Book: “Handbook of Innovative Nanomaterials: From Synthesis to Applications”

    • Editors: Xiaosheng Fang & Limin Wu, Pan Stanford Publishing Pty Ltd. (2010).

  • (Invited Book Chapter) Nicholas Meyer, Lihong Bao, Faxian Xiu,*

    • Title of the chapter: “Topological Insulator Nanostructures”.

    • Book: Vol. 8: Electronics and Photovoltaics, Series Title “Nanotechnology”, Series ISBN 1-62699-000-X, pp. 133-162 (2012).

    • Publisher: Studium Press LLC. * Corresponding author.