Presentation and Invited Talks

  1. Invited Lecture at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory “Magnetic Nanomaterials and Nanodevices –Emerging Strategies for Beating Moore’s Law”, 04-26-2011, Berkeley.

  2. APS meeting on “manipulation of surface states in topological insulator nanoribbons” on 03-25-2011, Dallas, Texas.

  3. Invited talk at University of Southern California, EE department, “Magnetic Nanomaterials and Nanodevices”, 03-09-2011.

  4. Invited talk at Georgia Institute of Technology, MSE department, “Novel elelctronic and magnetic nanostructures”, 01-25-2011.

  5. Invited talk at University Waterloo, ECE department,“Advanced magnetic and electronic nanomaterials and nanodevice”, 01-18-2011.

  6. PI Review Meeting on “Topological insulator growth by MBE” on 01-27-2011, Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort, San Luis Obispo, California.

  7. WIN PI Review Meeting on “Dilute magnetic semiconductor for spin FETs applications”, on 10-07-2010, California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles.

  8. PI Review Meeting on“Topological insulator growth by MBE” on 08-25-2010, California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles.

  9. Invited Talk in PASPS-VI (the 6th International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin Related Phenomena in Semiconductors) “Toward manipulative coherent and ordered magnetic semiconductor nanostructures”, 08-01-2010, Tokyo, Japan.

  10. Invited Talk in ISTDM-5th (5th International Conference on SiGe Technology and Devices) “Potential nonvolatile electronics based on group IV dilute magnetic semiconductors”, 05-23-2010, Stockholm, Sweden.

  11. Poster Presentation in Western Institute of Nanoelectronics (WIN) Project Review “Engineering of tunnel junctions for prospective spin injection in Ge and electric field controlled ferromagnetism in Mn doped Ge DMS”, 10-08-2009, California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA.

  12. Invited Talk on Nano Korea Symposium KINTEX, August 26-28, 2009 “From nanoelectronics to nano-spintronics”, KINTEX, August 26-28, 2009 Korea.

  13. Invited Talk in ICSI-6 (6th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and heterostructures) “Quest of electric- field controlled spintronics in SiGe”, 05-18-2009, Los Angeles

  14. Invited Talk in Photonic West 2007 “Toward reliable p-type ZnO epitaxial films and devices”, 01-23-2007, San Jose

  15. Oral Presentation in Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) “Photodetection and electroluminescence from optoelectronic devices based on Sb-doped p-ZnO”, 06-21-2007, Indiana

  16. DARPA (CNID) PI Project Review Talk “Progress on ZnO p-type doping and LEDs”, 12-12-2006, UCR

  17. Poster Presentation in DARPA (CNID) PI Project Review “Bi-induced acceptor states in ZnO by Molecular-beam Epitaxy”, 06-26-2006, Los Angeles

  18. Poster Presentation in DARPA (CNID) PI Project Review “Sb-doped p-type ZnO based devices”, 12-02-2005, Los Angeles

  19. Poster Presentation in DARPA (CNID) PI Project Review “Sb-doped ZnO grown on Si substrate for optoelectronics”, 05-25-2005, UCR

  20. Invited Talk in Photonic West 2007 “Toward reliable p-type ZnO epitaxial films and devices”, 01-23-2007, San Jose

  21. Oral Presentation in Materials Research Society (MRS) “Photodetectors and LEDs based on Ti/Al contacts to Sb-doped p-ZnO/n-Si”, 11-30-2006, Boston

  22. Oral Presentation in Materials Research Society (MRS) “Electroluminescence from an Sb-doped ZnO/Si p-type Schottky light-emitting diode”, 11-30-2006, Boston

  23. Oral Presentation in Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) “Bi-doped ZnO by a molecular-beam epitaxy”, 06-30-2006, Pennsylvania

  24. Oral Presentation in Photonics West 2006 “p-type ZnO by Sb doping for PN-junction photodetector”, 01-21-2006, San Jose

  25. Oral Presentation in Materials Research Society (MRS) “UV photoconductors based on Ga-doped ZnO films”, 11-29-2005, Boston

  26. Oral Presentation in Materials Research Society (MRS) “High-quality p-type ZnO films with solid source phosphorus-doping by molecular-beam epitaxy ”, 11-31-2005, Boston

  27. Poster Presentation in North American MBE (NAMBE) “ZnO based hetero- and homo-junction photodetectors”, 09-12-2005, UCSB

  28. Oral Presentation in North American MBE (NAMBE) “Sb-doped p-type ZnO by molecular-beam epitaxy”, 09-13-2005, UCSB

  29. Oral Presentation in Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) “ZnO growth on Si (100) with LT buffer layers by MBE”, 06-25-2005, UCSB