Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. N. C. Yeh, M. L. Teague, R. T. P. Wu, H. Chu, D. A. Boyd, M. W. Bockrath, L. He, F. X. Xiu and K. L. Wang, “Scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies of Dirac Fermions in graphene and topological insulators”Europhysics Journal: Web of Conferences (2011), Proceedings of the Eurasis Pacific Summer School and Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons in Turunc, Turkey (July 2011).

  2. Guan Huang, Faxian Xiu, Badr Fayez Alsubaie, Liang He, Xufeng Kou, Xinxin Yu, Kang L. Wang, Mohammed Sulaiman BenSaleh, “Selectively-grown III-V Compound Semiconductor Nano/Micro Structures on Silicon for Optoelectronics Applications”SIECPC11, 2011. DOI: 10.1109/SIECPC.2011.5876906

  3. J. L. Liu, F. X. Xiu, L. J. Mandalapu, and Z. Yang, (Invited paper)“Toward reliable p-type ZnO epitaxial films and devices”Photonic West Conference, 2007.

  4. J. L. Liu, F. X. Xiu, L. J. Mandalapu, and Z. Yang, “p-type ZnO by Sb doping for PN junction photodetector”Photonic West Conference, Proc. SPIE 6122, 61220H (2006).

  5. L. J. Mandalapu, F. X. Xiu, Z. Yang, and J. L. Liu, “UV photoconductors based on Ga-doped ZnO films”MRS proceedings, paper # 0891-EE08-07.1 (2005 Fall).

  6. F. X. Xiu, Z. Yang, L. J. Mandalapu, and J. L. Liu, “Characteristics of a phosphorus-doped p-type ZnO film by MBE”MRS proceedings, paper # 0892-FF18-09-EE09-09 (2005 Fall).