1. Tianxiao Nie*, Xufeng Kou, Jianshi Tang, Yabin Fan, Murong Lang, Li-Te Chang, Chia-Pu Chu, Liang He, Sheng-Wei Lee, Faxian Xiu, Jin Zou and Kang L Wang*,"Superlattice of FexGe1−x nanodots and nanolayers for spintronics application"Nanotechnology 25, 505702 (2014)

  2. W. Wang, Y. Liu, L. Tang, Y. Jin, T. Zhao, F. Xiu*, "Controllable Schottky Barriers between MoS2 and Permalloy", Scientific Reports 4, 6928 (2014)

  3. C. Zhang, X. Yuan, K. Wang, Z.-G. Chen, B. Cao, W. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Zou, F. Xiu*,"Observations of a Metal-Insulator Transition and Strong Surface States in Bi2-xSbxSe3Thin Films", Advanced Materials 26, 7110-7115 (2014)